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the phenomenon
This is about a simple man in a small village, George Malley (John Travolta) who begins to see life in a different way after a bizarre experience on his 37th birthday. He feels to reborn as a new man, in a way he has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. His capacity for understanding things were previously beyond his grasp grows. However, he has no outlet for his new found knowledge and not college educated. The academic world does not take him seriously, even the government when they find out about his special abilities. They even feels more threatened by him. The Phenomenon might be a realistic depiction of what it would be like if someone actually got telekinesis in real life. Telekinesis was just a side effect of his massive intelligence, and according to this movie .. a brain tumor (spoilers). So, it has been compared to Forrest Gump which is an incongruous comparison. While Gump made a virtue of being stupid, Malley makes it of being brilliant.
Dialog antara pemuda dusun udik, gak pernah makan sekolahan formal. Dihadapan sederet ahli intelejen negara dan pembesar Hankam mewakili sang super power. Mereka bergelar doktor serta mengaku sbg pakar interogasi, juga aparat pengendali stabilitas nasional.
[Dr. Bob]: Dude, jangan khawatir dan gugup. Aku cuma ingin ngasih pertanyaan sederhana, namun jawab akurat dan cepat. Hasilnya tergantung kecepatan reaksimu (sembari pegang stopwatch).
[Malley]: Shoot me!
[Dr. Bob]: Good, kini jawab sebisamu dan .. secepatnya. "How old is a person born in 1928?" (starts stopwatch).
[Malley]: Uhm, man or female?
[Dr. Bob, pauses stopwatch]: Is this necessary?
[Malley]: Lah, katanya kudu akurat? Yg spesifik dong Bob!
[Dr. Bob]: Ok, one more time. "How old is *a man* born in 1928?" (starts stopwatch again).
[Malley]: Still alive?
[Dr. Bob, stops watch]: Why? If a man is born in 1928, and he's *still alive*. How old is he?" (starts stopwatch).
[Malley]: What month?
[Dr. Bob, nods]: If a man was born *October 3rd*, 1928, and he's still alive .. How old is he? (starts stopwatch).
[Malley]: What time?
[Dr. Bob, yelling]: *10 o'clock .. P.M!*
[Malley]: Where?

[Malley]: Well, jangan marah dulu Bob. Let's get specific. Maksudku, jika ia adalah seorang pria, masih hidup, lahir di California, pada 3 Oktober 1928, jam 10 malam. Maka ia seharusnya telah berusia 67 taon, 9 bulan, 22 hari, dan .. (melihat ke jam sejenak) plus 14 jam 12 menit, sekarang. Jika ia lahirnya di New York, tinggal tambah 3 jam doang. Iya kan, Dr. Bob?
*Seseorang kadang telah dinilai dari jawabannya.
Padahal ada yg lebih penting dan seringkali dilupakan.
Adalah bagaimana dan cara ia bertanya*
Padahal ada yg lebih penting dan seringkali dilupakan.
Adalah bagaimana dan cara ia bertanya*