I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Anda yg punya mobil kenceng, saya yg punya arahnya, kemanapun. Mungkin kita bisa jalan bareng, lebih baik bersama ke sebuah tujuan. Ke tempat yg lebih baik, mulai dari awal tanpa menyeret beban. Kita lantas bisa memulai sesuatu, meski gk mesti membuktikan apapun. Dan Tracy Chapman suatu ketika menjelaskan tentang lagunya ini, "This is not really about a car at all. Basically it's about a relationship that doesn't work out because it's starting from the wrong place".
Anyplace is better
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll make something
But me myself I got nothing to prove
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll make something
But me myself I got nothing to prove
Kehidupan memang membutuhkan kendaraan yg cepat, terutama untuk mengarungi kompetisi hidup yg semakin ketat. 'Life in the Fast Lane', kata lagu The Eagles tentang riuhnya persaingan hidup keseharian. Juga ditegaskan lewat judul 'We Are on the Race Track' milik salah satu ratu disco, Precious Wilson. Kendaraan cepat itu bisa beragam, selain perkara mobil. Kendaraan cepat bisa pula berupa status dan gelar jika ingin menjadi pak RT dalam lingkungan kecil. Setelah ada jabatan tentu dapat kekuasaan, walaupun belum tentu sakti dan bakal menang badminton melawan tukang bakmi. Tapi sekencang apapun smash si tukang bakmi, bisa mendadak letoy setidaknya nyangkut dikarenakan sesuatu hal non tehnis. Bukan lantaran iming2 gelar atau keder lantaran jabatan lawan tandingnya, melainkan satu yg lebih sakti dan esensial, yakni imbalan duit.

You got a fast car
And I got a plan to get us out of here
I been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
We wont have to drive too far
Just cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
And finally see what it means to be living
And I got a plan to get us out of here
I been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
We wont have to drive too far
Just cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
And finally see what it means to be living

I remember we were driving in your car
The speed so fast, I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
And I had a feeling I could be someone,
Be someone .. be someone
The speed so fast, I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
And I had a feeling I could be someone,
Be someone .. be someone

You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way