Drinkin' beer, kickin' ass and takin' down names
With the top down, get-a-round, shootin' the line
Summer is here and Johnny's feelin' fine
But Johnny can't read ..
Summer is over and he's gone to seed
You know that Johnny can't read
He never learned nothin' that he'll ever need
This is about focuses upon reading illiteracy and raises several thought-provoking questions, based on 1982's song by Don Henley. As emphasized to respect for reading, it might be stated by "like the air we breathe, should belong to everybody. Near the conclusion of this song, it sings the line of "There's a New Kid in Town," which was the chorus of the same name Henley recorded with the Eagles. "Johnny Can't Read" is included on Henley's debut solo album I Can't Stand Still, that it was inspired me to interprate about a conversation between an old cowboy to his God.

Well, Johnny can dance and Johnny can love
Johnny can push and Johnny can shove
Johnny can hang out, Johnny can talk tough
Johnny can get down and Johnny can throw up
But Johnny can't read ..
Well, is it teacher's fault? Oh noo
Is it Mommy's fault? Oh noo
Is it society's fault? No noo
Well is it Johnny's fault? Oh no!
Johnny can push and Johnny can shove
Johnny can hang out, Johnny can talk tough
Johnny can get down and Johnny can throw up
But Johnny can't read ..
Well, is it teacher's fault? Oh noo
Is it Mommy's fault? Oh noo
Is it society's fault? No noo
Well is it Johnny's fault? Oh no!
Nyaris gak seorangpun greeted, or welcomed him. They were all appalled at his appearance and jelas menampakkan gak menyukai kehadirannya. Selain asing, terutama sebab penampilan yg gk biasa selain merusak kemegahan gereja termasuk melecehkan standard pengunjungnya. Hingga pada akhirnya peribadatan selesai, si pendeta mencoba bijak and approached him sambil berpesan: "Before you come back in here again, have a talk with God and ask him what he thinks would be appropriate attire for this worship. OK?". Sang koboy tua hanya terdiam sembari mengangguk, memasang topi dan berlalu.
Couple years later, Johnny's on the run
Johnny got confused and he bought himself a gun
Well, he went and did something that he shouldn't oughta done
F.B.I. on his tail, "Use a Gun, Go to Jail"
But Johnny can't read ..
Summer is over and he's gone to seed
You know that Johnny can't read
He never learned nothin' that he'll ever need
Johnny got confused and he bought himself a gun
Well, he went and did something that he shouldn't oughta done
F.B.I. on his tail, "Use a Gun, Go to Jail"
But Johnny can't read ..
Summer is over and he's gone to seed
You know that Johnny can't read
He never learned nothin' that he'll ever need

"Yes sir .. Tuhan bilang padaku, Ia gk punya ide tentang pakaian pantas itu seperti apa, khususnya catatan untuk di gereja ini. Tapi Ia sempat berpesan padaku, that He's never been in this church before!"
Well, is it teacher's fault? Oh noo
Is it Mommy's fault? Oh noo
Is it society's fault? No noo
Well is it Johnny's fault? Oh no!
Johnny can't read, Johnny can't read
Well, recess is over .. recess is over
Sitcoms, T&A, Johnny's mind is blown away
Cop shows, horror flicks, Johnny's brain is full of bricks
Rock show, video, boob tube, Rubik's cube,
Game fools, Sunday school, ten frames, gobble games
Wocka, wocka, wocka ..
Is it Mommy's fault? Oh noo
Is it society's fault? No noo
Well is it Johnny's fault? Oh no!
Johnny can't read, Johnny can't read
Well, recess is over .. recess is over
Sitcoms, T&A, Johnny's mind is blown away
Cop shows, horror flicks, Johnny's brain is full of bricks
Rock show, video, boob tube, Rubik's cube,
Game fools, Sunday school, ten frames, gobble games
Wocka, wocka, wocka ..